Hacettepe İnşaat Mühendisliği Tanıtım Günleri
MÜDEK AKREDİTASYON Bölümümüze Hayırlı Olsun.
Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık (Mw=7.7) and Kahramanmaraş Elbistan (Mw=7.6) - Earthquake Investigation Report
06 Şubat 2023 - Kahramanmaraş Pazarcık (Mw: 7.7) ve Kahramanmaraş Elbistan (Mw: 7.6) Depremleri İnceleme Raporu
YAPI ISLERI TEKNOLOJILERI Uzaktan Egitim Tezsiz Yüksek Lisans Programı
Bölümümüz Tarafından Hazırlanan Elazığ Sivrice Depremi Ön İnceleme Raporu
Bölümümüz Tarafından Hazırlanan Elazığ Sivrice Depremi Ön İnceleme Raporu
Geopolimer Green Concrete
Small Scale 3D-Printing Additive Manufacturing Practice with %100 Construction and Demolition Waste Based Geopolymer at Hacettepe University Advanced Construction Materials Research Laboratory
Hacettepe University - Department of Civil Engineering
Hacettepe University - Department of Civil Engineering
Welcome to Hacettepe University!
Panoramic Campus Tour
About the 19th Student Project Exhibition of the Faculty of Engineering

Attention All Students Enrolled in IMU 492 Course:

Three projects from our department are required to participate in the Faculty of Engineering exhibition scheduled for May 22, 2024 (Wednesday). To facilitate the selection process for these projects, we have organized a Graduation Project Exhibition to be held in the 3rd-floor corridor of our department on Monday afternoon, June 6, 2024. Attendance at this exhibition is mandatory for all students enrolled in the IMU 492 course. Students may participate individually or as part of a group, depending on their involvement in the graduation project. Please prepare a poster measuring 70x100cm and be ready in front of room A424 on Monday, June 6, 2024, at 13:30.

We wish you the best of luck.